This, via The American Catholic, with the full story at Last Friday the unknown individual approached the pro-life witnesses, who have gathered for several years on the corner of Broadway and Commercial Drive displaying graphic images of aborted babies, …

Pro-Choice Harrassment at a Pro-Life Demonstration in Vancouver Read more » reports that… CHBC, the Kelowna local television station that drew national coverage this week after agreeing to air a pro-life ad, has changed its mind, claiming that the ad is too graphic. […] The ad has drawn criticism for …

Controversy over pro-life ad which was accepted—then rejected—by Kelowna TV Station Read more »

This is what choice looks like: [youtube=] Update As Suzanne points out in the comments, the video (released a few weeks ago from the Canadian Centre for Bioethical Reform) has been taken down because of a YouTube “Terms of Service …

New Video from the Canadian Centre of Bioethical Reform Read more »

RH Reality Check’s “common ground” site on abortion has been anything but a “common ground” so far. Jill Stanek offers her own, no non-sense common ground suggestion. Obama said yesterday in a meeting with Catholic reporters… “I don’t know any …

WARNING: Abortion Causes Dead Babies Read more »