A Kentucky woman is facing a 10-year prison sentence after pleading guilty to abusing her child. What did she do?  Neglect?  Physical Abuse?  Emotional trauma? Actually, she used cocaine while pregnant. Wait a minute, she is going to be punished …

Killing the Unborn is okay, but Abusing Them is Criminal? Read more »

This article from the BBC is remarkable.  Check out the videos as well if you have time.  There is so much we do not know about patients in this “persistent vegetative state” and instead of using starvation and dehydration, the …

Vegetative State Patients May Be Able to Communicate Read more »

I’m sure some of you have heard about the “controversial” ad airing during this Sunday’s Superbowl (aside:  Go Colts Go!).  What you probably did not hear about is the response letter that Nancy Northup, President of the Centre for Reproductive …

Pam Tebow chose life…. Pro-choicers choose to have a hissy-fit Read more »