Well, Live Action is at it again and this time they are showing what kind of misinformation Planned Parenthood gives to young women. This is kind of ironic since I thought only us Pro-life types were lying scumbags who make …

Planned Parenthood lied, babies died…but what else is new? Read more »

Starting August 5, the government of Quebec will begin to publicly fund all in-vitro fertilization procedures in the province: The initiative, announced Tuesday by Health Minister Yves Bolduc, makes Quebec the first jurisdiction in North America to publicly fund the …

“Quebec’s free IVF plan turns children into property” Read more »

I’m thinking of making Fridays “Pharm Fridays” where I want to discuss the abortifacient properties of contraceptives you can easily access at your local pharmacy. Here is a documentary about the pill to get things going: The Birth Control Pill …

Documentary about the pill now available Read more »

Sorry blogging has been light lately, but the computer has been on the fritz since I got to Florida on Saturday. Well, it looks like all those nice pregnancy centres like Aid to Women are just a big bunch of …

According to pro-choicers, only abortion means “help” Read more »

The UN has some pretty interesting solutions to the tragedy that is childhood and maternal death. I want to highlight a post from that tireless pro-life fighter Jill Stanek regarding reports on child and maternal mortality: The article, btw, reports …

How should we tackle the issue of child mortality? Kill more children! Read more »

I ran across this article, which is a critique of this article in the Huffington Post. As a brief synopsis, the case of Mr. Betancourt, who was left in a vegetative state after cancer surgery is considered. The team of …

On the good of patients and the good of society Read more »

I was going to post about Silent No More Awareness today but I just read that the University of Calgary’s Student Union has officially withdrawn its complaint against Campus Pro-Life based on their pro-life display held each semester. Previously, the …

Update: Complaint against Campus Pro-life Withdrawn Read more »