Man pulls gun on pro-lifer at Planned Parenthood — media doesn’t seem to care
When violence against pro-choicers occurs, it’s “domestic terrorism.” When someone pulls a gun on a pro-lifer at Planned Parenthood, the mainstream media barely notices.
Imagine if a pro-lifer were to pull a gun on a pro-abort outside an abortion mill.
Yet I can only find ONE mainstream news story on the opposite sort of incident that happened at a Phoenix, AZ, Planned Parenthood 5 days ago. And note no suspect name was provided, no mug shot….
[…] Phoenix police Lt. Larry T. Jacobs said the man had just dropped his girlfriend off at the Planned Parenthood near Seventh and Campbell avenues. As he was leaving, one of the women outside handed him a pamphlet.
That’s when the suspect pulled a gun on the woman, pointed it at her for a few seconds and then drove off.
H/t Patrice Egging
Yes- when there is a double standard. Take Racism- when a quote conservative is racist all hell breaks out- but Planned Parenthood’s roots are soaked in racism the media is silent. Maybe they know as elitists who Planned Parenthood really targets – MINORITIES and as elitists the media is just fine with that – so they leave Planned Parenthood alone to do their racist deeds. Have you seen Maafa21? It is a powerful new documentary that exposes Planned Parenthood for what they really are.
Haven’t seen Maafa21 yet, but I’ve been meaning to watch it. Hopefully soon!
Thanks for the comment.